Repair Capacity: 
Registry Easy is a very thorough and comprehensive system scanner - which includes the registry. Surprisingly thorough, actually, as it scans not only the registry for errors, but also:
* Runtime Errors
* DLL Errors
* Kernel32 Errors
* IExplore & System32 Errors
* LSass.exe , SVChost.exe & other application errors
* And many more - that's just a sampling...
(Go to the Registry Easy site & scroll down to where it says "Registry Easy Features & Benefits" for a full description of what its scan covers - it's very comprehensive, to say the least...)
In our test, Registry Easy was able to uncover a whole range of problems with the registry, and surprisingly with a few problematic or overlapping fonts as well. The results were noticeable after the repair operation as the PC seemed to be "quicker" in general - and the common error messages that were normally popping up on startup disappeared altogether.
(And that was a welcome change...)
It's an unsung hero in the registry repair industry, but it could very well be your PC's hero, nonetheless. It's effective, thorough & fast.
Click the link below to view their site - and be sure to check out the "awards" link to see the raving reviews it's gotten from a variety of major software protals such as and others...
Registry Easy Website
As the name implies "Registry Easy", really is quite simple to use.
The program's "welcome" screen shows your initial scanning options (Auto, Custom), from which you can quickly set up a new registry & system scan. Once the scan has been completed, Registry Easy will walk you through the steps of safely repairing any invalid or damaged registry entries, system errors or other related problems on a case-by-case basis.
It uses a built-in, automatic backup feature so that even if - for some unlikely reason - the program buggers up your registry or makes some kind of mistake - it can be "undone" in one click. This is more of a "peace of mind" issue, though, as the algorithm that Registry Easy is built on ensures the safe repairing of the Windows® registry on any PC.
Customer Support: 
Registry Easy has an email address listed on the website that provides users with 24 hour technical support.
Other Information:
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To visit the Registry Easy web site, just click on the screenshot below:
